Indigo Valley (2020)
14K Drama Genre Angelina Brower Annalee Richards Atli Oskar Fjalarsson Brandon Sklenar Dalal Bruchmann Deon Williams Greta Bellamacina Hayley Johnson Hayley Malia Johnson Jaclyn Bethany Jennifer Lauren DiBella Joy Kate Lawson Katelyn Kapocsi Maesa Pullman Rosie Day Ruby Sumegi Selinda Zhou Tessie Herrasti Winter Dunn Zach Smith 2020 English Jaclyn Bethany null United States
Indigo Valley: Directed by Jaclyn Bethany. With Rosie Day, Brandon Sklenar, Greta Bellamacina, Katelyn Kapocsi. Indigo Valley is the story of estranged sisters Louise and Isabella. When Isabella unexpectedly joins Louise and her new husband John on their honeymoon through the wilderness, tensions arise and secrets between all three begin to surface in unpredictable and dangerous ways.
“I found this film beautiful and haunting. Great watch for fans of slow burn art house thrillers.”