Tonde Saitama (2019)
35K Comedy Drama Fantasy Genre Akaji Maro Akira Nakao Brother Tom Fumi Nikaidô Gackt Haruka Shimazaki Hideki Takeuchi Kumiko Asô Kumiko Takeda Masaki Kyômoto Mineo Maya Naoto Takenaka Ryô Katô Ryô Narita Shôtarô Mamiya Tomokazu Tokunaga Tsubasa Masuwaka Yûsuke Iseya 2019 5.9 Hideki Takeuchi Japan Japanese
Tonde Saitama: Directed by Hideki Takeuchi. With Fumi Nikaidô, Gackt, Yûsuke Iseya, Brother Tom. In a world where people are discriminated based on their birthplace, a resident of the much-reviled Saitama Prefecture embarks on a revolutionary campaign to improve things for his home.
“Funny and hyper-stylized superhero tale about the triumph of the ordinary. Enjoyed watching this even without catching all of the cultural references. The song in the end credits is particularly hilarious.”