Godzilla 2000 – Millennium (1999)
32K Action Adventure Drama Genre Atsuko Kohata Bengal Dangaruriyasu Denden Hiroshi Abe Hiroshi Kashiwabara Ken'ichi Nagira Kenichi Ishii Kôichi Ueda Masahiko Nishimura Mayu Suzuki Naomi Nishida Sakae Kimura Satomi Achiwa Shirô Namiki Shirô Sano Takao Okawara Takehiro Murata Takeshi Ôbayashi Wataru Mimura Yoshimasa Kondô Yoshiyuki Omori Yutaka Matsushige 6.2 Japan Japanese Takao Okawara
Godzilla 2000 – Millennium: Directed by Takao Okawara. With Takehiro Murata, Hiroshi Abe, Naomi Nishida, Mayu Suzuki. An independent group of researchers actively track Godzilla as a giant meteor is discovered. The mysterious rock begins to levitate as it’s true intentions for the world and Godzilla are revealed.
“Goji 200 is a rather poorly paced film with uninteresting human characters and a rather bland telling of the u0026quot;Goji Attacks Japanu0026quot; story.nThe effects however are cool and I am very fond of the Goji 2000 design, so it gets 6 Missiles out of 10 from me.”