Das Leben des Budori Gusko (2012)
38K Adventure Animation Family Genre Akira Emoto Brando Austin Charles C. Campbell Christopher Wehkamp Derick Snow Edwin Neal Gisaburô Sugii Jason Douglas Kenji Miyazawa Kuranosuke Sasaki Lowell Bartholomee Monica Rial Ryûzô Hayashi Shioli Kutsuna Shôzô Hayashiya Shun Oguri Tamiyo Kusakari 2012 7.1 Gisaburô Sugii Japan Japanese
Das Leben des Budori Gusko: Directed by Gisaburô Sugii. With Shioli Kutsuna, Brando Austin, Lowell Bartholomee, Charles C. Campbell. Budori Gusukô lives happily with his little sister, father, and mother. When the cold hits the Ihatov Forest they are invaded and, with his family killed, he is left alone. He begins working in a geological laboratory and attempts to move forward, but, with another spell of cold coming, he knows he has to make sure what happened before is not repeated.