Neon Genesis Evangelion – The End of Evangelion (1997)
37K Action Animation Drama Genre Aaron Krohn Akira Ishida Allison Keith Amanda Winn Lee Amy Seeley Fumihiko Tachiki Hideaki Anno Hiro Yûki Kazuya Tsurumaki Kotono Mitsuishi Megumi Hayashibara Megumi Ogata Miki Nagasawa Motomu Kiyokawa Mugihito Spike Spencer Sue Ulu Takehito Koyasu Tiffany Grant Tristan MacAvery Yûko Miyamura Yuriko Yamaguchi 1997 8.5 Germany Hideaki Anno Japanese
Neon Genesis Evangelion – The End of Evangelion: Directed by Hideaki Anno, Kazuya Tsurumaki. With Megumi Ogata, Megumi Hayashibara, Yûko Miyamura, Kotono Mitsuishi. Concurrent theatrical ending of the TV series Shin seiki evangerion (1995).
“Never before has a movie put me through so many emotions. Anger, joy, fear, depression, hope, all flowed through me as the epic film unfolded before me. I was left emotionally wrung out the first time I watched it, and my view of life has been changed forever because of it. Just be warned, if you havenu0026#39;t seen all the TV episodes, you will be totally lost by this movie. Oh, and hope you havenu0026#39;t developed too much of an emotional attachment to the characters.”