The Favorite (2019)
69K Drama Genre Adam Jacques Amye Gousset Benjamin Glossop Curtis Graham Hudson Harris James Howell Jeff Hardy John Schneider Kathleen Halbert Liz Drummer Luke Benjamin Bernard Mark Harris Mason Dixon Matthew Fahey Melinda Ledman Michelle Feliciano Mollee Gray Rey Hernandez Robby Stahl Selina Guerra Tyron Woodley Uriah Hall 2019 4.5 Curtis Graham English United States
The Favorite: Directed by Curtis Graham. With John Schneider, Luke Benjamin Bernard, Matthew Fahey, Mollee Gray. Inspired by the true events of Luke Benjamin Bernard. His spiritual and physical transformation is told through the life of two brothers.
“I was most awed by the story behind the story and how the true life experience of Luke Bernard was woven into his screenplay–which was a second, unique story in itself. Bravo!”