Tammy and the Teenage T-Rex (1994)
49K Comedy Genre Denise Richards Ellen Dubin Gary Brockette George 'Buck' Flower George Pilgrim J. Jay Saunders John Conway John Edmondson John F. Goff John Franklin Ken Carpenter Ken Chandler Michele Maika Paul Walker Poppy Montgomery Robert Marena Rosemary Gabledon Sean Whalen Shevonne Durkin Stewart Raffill Terry Kiser Theo Forsett 1994 5.4 English Germany Stewart Raffill
Tammy and the Teenage T-Rex: Directed by Stewart Raffill. With Denise Richards, Theo Forsett, Paul Walker, Ellen Dubin. An evil scientist implants the brain of Michael, a murdered high school student, into a Tyrannosaurus. He escapes, wreaks vengeance on his high school tormentors, and is reunited with his sweetheart Tammy.
“This is cheesy horror at its best, or should I say worse! This is hilariously good and bad. Watch it, for sure.”