Blue World Order (2017)
46K Action Adventure Fantasy Genre Andy Trieu Angelina Leljak Barbara Hastings Billie Rutherford Billy Zane Bolude Watson Brendan Kelly Bruce Spence Ché Baker Dallas Bland Emily De Margheriti Jack Thompson Jake Ryan Kendra Appleton Leah Baulch Luke Hendrickson Michael Slater Nick Risteski Sarah Mason Stephen Hunter Tim Stiles Yanina Clifton 2017 5.6 Australia Ché Baker English
Blue World Order: Directed by Ché Baker, Dallas Bland. With Billy Zane, Bruce Spence, Jake Ryan, Jack Thompson. The film is set in a post-apocalyptic world in which civilisation has crumbled. A massive electromagnetic pulse has killed all children on the planet with the exception of Molly (Billie Rutherford), the daughter of Jake Slater (Jake Ryan).
“Hard to see how this is rating so high. Opted out after 15 minutes – better things to do”