Buffaloed (2019)
52K Comedy Drama Genre Adrian Griffin Alex Harrouch Alex Karzis Barbara Gordon Bill Lake Brian Sacca Carolyn Scott Jai Courtney James M. Connor Jayne Eastwood Jermaine Fowler Judy Greer Kate Moyer Lorrie Odom Lusia Strus Nicholas Carella Noah Reid Paulyne Wei Raymond Ablack Tanya Wexler Zoey Deutch 2019 6 English Tanya Wexler United Kingdom
Buffaloed: Directed by Tanya Wexler. With Zoey Deutch, Jai Courtney, Judy Greer, Jermaine Fowler. In the underworld of debt-collecting, homegrown hustler Peg Dahl will do anything to escape Buffalo, NY.
“But like other reviewers have said, the plot just fell apart. This movie had some potential to be really clever and hit a home run, but it fell short of the mark. I thought Zoey Deutch did a great job. She is a great actress.”