Kein Mord von der Stange (1981)
52K Drama Genre Thriller Albert Finney Anthony Charnota Ashley Cox Catherine Parks Darryl Hickman David Adams Donna Kei Benz Dorian Harewood Georgann Johnson James Coburn John Sanderford Kathryn Witt Leigh Taylor-Young Michael Crichton Michael Hawkins Richard Venture Susan Dey Terrence E. McNally Terri Welles Terry Kiser Tim Rossovich 1981 6.9 English Michael Crichton West Germany
Kein Mord von der Stange: Directed by Michael Crichton. With Albert Finney, James Coburn, Susan Dey, Leigh Taylor-Young. Three of four models, who had plastic surgery done by Larry after a computed list, are dead. Neither the cops nor Larry believe they’re suicides. Larry investigates and stays with the fourth model. Who’s behind the lists and murders?
“This movie still holds up. Iu0026#39;m incredibly impatient for films to get going. So, this one is a keeper. Truly entertaining from start to finish. Even the theme song is catchy. Visually fun. Well directed.”