Reluctant Nanny (TV Movie 2015)
9K Drama Family Genre Romance Aaron Hill Alley Mills Anthony Starke Bradford May Connor Mac Dinah Eng Elisabeth Röhm Gabriel Suttle Gary Kraus Ingrid Walters Jessy Schram Joelle Sellner Josh Fingerhut Keisuke Hoashi Kristin Carey Max Page Payson Lewis Rachel Eggleston Samantha Rose Loui Sarah Lilly Sophie Pollono Stephanie Lemelin Tamara Taylor 2015 6.4 Bradford May English United States
Reluctant Nanny: Directed by Bradford May. With Jessy Schram, Aaron Hill, Tamara Taylor, Elisabeth Röhm. Single cop Dan needs a nanny to keep 2 kids until a foster home is found. Libby flies to LA to start a job that vanished. She’ll take any job. A purse snatcher brings them together.
“Would have been nice to see the repercussions for the bribes the cop was taking to afford that house in LA.”