My Stepfather's Secret (2019)
56K Crime Drama Genre Mystery Caia Coley Dara Renee Eddie McClintock Harvey B. Jackson Kevin Sizemore Larry Hopson Michael Feifer Nick Stellate Noelle E Parker Paris Smith Shin Shimizu Stephen Lyons Sumiko Braun Tanner Fontana Tetsuo Kuramochi Toshiya Agata Vanessa Marcil 4.6 English Michael Feifer United States
My Stepfather’s Secret: Directed by Michael Feifer. With Vanessa Marcil, Eddie McClintock, Paris Smith, Kevin Sizemore. Bailey Kershaw returns home for the summer from college to discover that her mother (Tina) has a new boyfriend (Hugo) who she plans to immediately marry. Bailey is unsettled by Hugo and how quickly he has invaded her family home and her mother’s life.
“The movie starts off strong then becomes sort of dull then starts to pick back up with entertainment then becomes dull again. The daughter is a brat from beginning to the end. This is something you watch when youu0026#39;re trying to go to sleep.”