Surviving Lunch (2019)
46K Drama Genre Amanda Schlachter Avery Arendes Clayton Royal Johnson Cooper Flerlage Dominic Harris Dylan Ramon Francesca Phillips Gabriel Koontz Gabriel Ortiz Jaimi McPeek John Scalzi Kaycie Lee Kt Curran Lourdes Antomattei Maria Leyva Mercedes Gutierrez Parker Padgett Tom Foley Tori Bates 2019 7 Kt Curran United States
Surviving Lunch: Directed by Kt Curran. With Avery Arendes, Parker Padgett, Clayton Royal Johnson, Kaycie Lee. When school is the battleground, where can you hide?
“A must see movie!nA real life story of one girls experience as she negotiates the halls of her new high school. Wonderful opportunity for families to watch together.”