A. I. Tales (2019)
5K Action Drama Genre Aaron Smallwood Jr. Amir Reichart Ashlee Mundy Ben Simonetti Benjamin John Burbidge Bruce Hermann Christian Williams Eric Roberts Jennifer Patino Jose Pablo Cantillo Kristen Hilkert Lawrence Kao Neil Jackson Nelson Lee Paden Fallis Peer Gopfrich Peter Alton Pom Klementieff R.J. Pisani Russell Dennis Lewis Ryan Shogren Tim Walker Anderson Zeus Ley 2019 3.3 English Kristen Hilkert United States
A. I. Tales: Directed by Kristen Hilkert, Nelson Lee, Amir Reichart, Vitaly Verlov. With Pom Klementieff, Nelson Lee, Eric Roberts, Lawrence Kao. Interlocking, futuristic, science fiction tales about space, technology, and family that take place in different dimensions and time zones.
“DO NOT watch this movie. It is the worst movie i have seen in years.”