Adan (2019)
30K Drama Genre Thriller A. Garcia Antonio Adlawan Bembol Roco Brenda Porcadilla Cindy Miranda Gene Catli Gin De Mesa Jeffrey Quizon Jiad Arroyo Joel Garcia Jonison Fontanos Juan Miguel Emmanuel Salvado Julie Pearl A. Emit Marlene Mira Mary Raven Jane Cajuguiran Maui Taylor Phoebe Villamor Raffy Tejada Raul Morit Rhen Escano Roman Perez Ruby Ruiz Teptep Mendoza Yam Laranas 2019 6.2 Philippines Roman Perez Tagalog
Adan: Directed by Roman Perez. With Rhen Escano, Cindy Miranda, Bembol Roco, Jeffrey Quizon. A naive provincial girl finds a way to get ahold of her independence through the help of her girl best friend. But their actions have nerve-shattering consequences.
“I realy love this.nIve been loking for this almost months but i like it to much.nThanks much”