Okko's Inn (2018)
58K Adventure Animation Drama Genre Asami Brittany Cox Courtney Chu Ethan Jack Berman Etsuko Kozakura Fumiko Orikasa Glynis Bell Hiroko Reijo James Weaver Clark Kana Hanazawa Kenneth Aikens Kitarô Kôsaka Masaki Terasoma Masato Tanaka Michael Deaner Mikako Komatsu Nana Mizuki Noelle DePaula Reiko Yoshida Rina Endô Satsumi Matsuda Seiran Kobayashi Teiyû Ichiryûsai Yôko Asagami 7.1 Germany Japanese Kitarô Kôsaka
Okko’s Inn: Directed by Kitarô Kôsaka. With Seiran Kobayashi, Nana Mizuki, Satsumi Matsuda, Rina Endô. After losing her parents in a car accident, Okko starts living in the countryside with her grandmother who runs a traditional Japanese inn. While she prepares to be the next owner of the inn, Okko can somehow see friendly ghosts.
“A beautiful film, ideal to teach a child what death is.”