Macunaíma (1969)
63KMacunaíma: Directed by Joaquim Pedro de Andrade. With Grande Otelo, Paulo José, Jardel Filho, Dina Sfat. Our story begins with Macunaima’s miraculous birth to an old woman in a tiny jungle settlement. Born fully grown, he discovers his life’s purpose which leads him and his family and followers on a journey to the Big City. More miracles occur on the way, but Macunaima still has the heart and mind of a child. In the Big City, terrorists enlist him in their revolutionary schemes. In the Big City he learns that nuts are not always food and other hilarious life lessons.
“Iu0026#39;m not sure if I understood even half the cultural and political references this film makes. After all it is Brazilian and from the late 60u0026#39;s. In many ways a product of that era but because it seems to be based on fairy tales or legends thereu0026#39;s an interesting timeless quality to it as well. That and the outrageous sight gags, combined with crazy costumes makes this seem like a live-action cartoon. Definitely a fun ride through jungles filled with carnivorous nymphs, machine-gun toting topless commandos, men changing race when they smoke marijuana, a piranha pool party and much much more! Well worth a look though you may need a friend versed in Brazilian history u0026amp; culture to make sense of it all. The restored 2K print is absolutely gorgeous.”