Paradise Beach (2019)
36K Action Crime Drama Genre Arthur Fleutot Benoît Meynard Benoît Rousselin Datdrion Lopy Dominique Cache Dorian N'Goumou dit Dosseh Flore Bonaventura Gael Larvor Hache P. Hubert Koundé Hugo Becker Jean Miez Kool Shen Laurent Persin Mélanie Doutey Nessbeal Nicolas Lopy Olivier Khellafi Sami Bouajila Seth Gueko Tewfik Jallab Xavier Durringer 2019 4.9 France French Xavier Durringer
Paradise Beach: Directed by Xavier Durringer. With Sami Bouajila, Tewfik Jallab, Mélanie Doutey, Hugo Becker. A team of former robbers arrived at Paradise: Phuket, southern Thailand. Until the day when the devil arrives: Mehdi, sentenced to 15 years in prison during the robbery, comes to recover his share of the cake.
“But the storyline was atrocious. Absolutely no thought went into the script.”