Love Aaj Kal Porshu (2020)
15K Drama Genre Romance Abhijit Guha Anindita Bose Anirban Chakrabarti Aniruddha Chakladar Arjun Chakrabarty Arko Sen Bihan Sanyal Chirantan Mukherjee Indira Dutta Chowdhury Kartik Sen Kunal Chakraborty Madhumita Sarcar Madhumita Sarkar Paoli Dam Prasantha Das Gupta Pratim D. Gupta Rabindranath Jana Rohini Ghosh Sumana Das Tushar Padihar 2020 6.5 Bengali India Pratim D. Gupta
Love Aaj Kal Porshu: Directed by Pratim D. Gupta. With Madhumita Sarcar, Paoli Dam, Anindita Bose, Aniruddha Chakladar. Two people whose love is a force that can never be changed, no matter how much its surroundings may change. A unique take on the timelessness of romance.
“I liked the movie overall, thereu0026#39;s mo doubt that the cast is amazing and the chemistry between the actors was everything! Itu0026#39;s not a bad Movie Iu0026#39;d advise to watch it.”