Records Collecting Dust (2015)
46K Documentary Genre Bob Barley Chuck Dukowski Clay Tarver Clifford Dinsmore Danny Benair David Yow Edward Colver Greg Anderson Jason Blackmore Jello Biafra Joey Castillo John Reis Justin Pearson Keith Morris Larry Boothroyd Lisa Fancher Matt Anderson Matt Caughthran Mike Watt Nick Oliveri Tom Flynn 2015 6 English Jason Blackmore United States
Records Collecting Dust: Directed by Jason Blackmore. With Jello Biafra, Mike Watt, David Yow, Chuck Dukowski. Written and directed by San Diego based musician and filmmaker Jason Blackmore, Records Collecting Dust documents the vinyl record collections, origins, and holy grails of alternative music icons Jello Biafra, Chuck Dukowski, Keith Morris, John Reis, and over thirty other underground music comrades. Records Collecting Dust is set for theater release in January 2015.