Impetigore (2019)
44K Drama Genre Horror Mystery Abdurrahman Arif Afrian Aris Aghniny Haque Ahmad Ramadhan Ario Bayu Arswendy Bening Swara Asmara Abigail Aura Agna Christine Hakim Eka Nusa Pertiwi Faradina Mufti Joko Anwar Kiki Narendra Mariana Resli Marissa Anita Mian Tiara Muhammad Abe Baasyin Mursiyanto T. Rifnu Wikana Tara Basro Zidni Hakim 2019 6.6 Indonesia Indonesian Joko Anwar
Impetigore: Directed by Joko Anwar. With Tara Basro, Ario Bayu, Marissa Anita, Christine Hakim. Maya with her best friend, Dini, tries to survive in a city without a family. She realized that she might inherit a property from her rich family. Maya returns to the village with Dini and unaware of the danger was waiting for her.
“Opening scene is okay but after that the film is boring. the way Maya knows how to free the curse is too easy. But the film is still creepy”