Before/During/After (2020)
35K Comedy Drama Genre Alexis McGuiness Artisha Mann Cooper Brenda Pressley Brian Russell Finnerty Steeves Gia Crovatin J. Alphonse Nicholson Jack Lewars Jeff Talbott Jeremy Davidson John Pankow Kate Burton Kate Hampton Kristine Sutherland Meghan Rafferty Miles G. Jackson Miriam Shor Myra Lucretia Taylor Richard Masur Stephen Kunken Susan Blackwell Vivian Mar Mignone 2020 5.4 Brazil English Stephen Kunken
Before/During/After: Directed by Stephen Kunken, Jack Lewars. With Finnerty Steeves, Jeff Talbott, John Pankow, Jeremy Davidson. This sharp-witted dramedy studies a middle-aged NYC theatre actress suddenly forced to figure out the kind of person she wants to portray in real life when her marriage comes to an end after she catches her husband cheating.
“An instant indie classic! Years from now people will look back at this film and appreciate its subtle, patient bloom of a life-affirming journey. A woman rises from the ashes of a divorce while encountering a love letter to New York City, including many notable and amazing nyc stage and screen actors. Funny, complicated and vulnerable – indie film at its finest.”