The Intruders (2017)
34K Drama Genre Alex Petrovitch Alla Korot Alonso Rosas Brandon DeLaurentiis Braxton Davis Brody Hutzler Bryton James Cherie Johnson Daniel Zolghadri Derrell Whitt Gerald Kessler Giulia Casavecchia Gregori J. Martin Lisa Wilcox Louis Mandylor Meadow Williams Nancy Wolfe Nathaniel Halpern Paul Schneider Rebecca Hall Robert Nahum Allen Ruben Rabasa Stephanie DeLaurentiis Steven Bauer Todd Estrin Tommy Fivestar 2017 5.1 English Gregori J. Martin United States
The Intruders: Directed by Gregori J. Martin. With Steven Bauer, Lisa Wilcox, Meadow Williams, Ruben Rabasa. After the death of his eccentric mother, Michael Foster invites a series of strange characters into his home, which in turn destroys his marriage and his life as he knows it.