The Rooftop Christmas Tree (TV Movie 2016)
41K Action Animation Family Genre Alison Brooks April Campbell Bryar Freed David Winning Eddie G. Indy Forrest Jacob Williams Julia Scarlett Dan Krista Morin Landria Onkka Michelle Morgan Peter Michael Dillon Roger Dunn Roseline Mouana Sarah Dacey Sean Tucker Shannon Lawson Stephen Huszar Tim Reid Toni Ellwand 2016 6.1 David Winning English Sweden
The Rooftop Christmas Tree: Directed by David Winning. With Michelle Morgan, Tim Reid, Stephen Huszar, Roger Dunn. Every year since Sarah was a child, her lonely neighbor has had a rooftop Christmas tree. Lately, he’s been arrested for it. This year Sarah is back in town as lawyer, sitting with him in court. Why is the tree so important?
“A wonderful, touching film about trust, faith and caring…”