Finding Eden (2017)
22K Drama Genre Thriller Daniel Baldock Daniel Wachs Dennis E. Williams Jason Sutton Joseph Gatt Kelly Róisín Kraig Swisher Kris Kozlowski Lee Riley Lindsi Jeter Melissa Gruver Michael Campion Michael Opal Miles Berman Raul Colon Rodney Luis Aquino Steve Austin Thadeus Wollman Tom Proctor Tracy Wiu Travis Hadley Yindra Zayas 2017 5.1 English Rodney Luis Aquino United States
Finding Eden: Directed by Rodney Luis Aquino. With Joseph Gatt, Tom Proctor, Michael Campion, Michael Opal. The earth is dying, and those still alive must fight to survive within the wake of unrivaled disasters.
“Wasnu0026#39;t expecting much from this one, but surprisingly it was pretty good. Very basic low budget apocalyptic movie that kept my interest. It helped itself being short and to the point instead of long and drawn out. Not going to add anything to the genre but worth the watch.”