Driftless (2020)
63K Adventure Crime Drama Genre Anthony Parker Colton Adams Coralie de Winne Don Cochran Greg L. Rogers Harper Philbin James Dolbeare Jennifer Jelsema Joe Anderson John Dufresne Julia Langholt Kayla Frischkorn Meredith Deighton Mickey O'Sullivan Mike Stanley Monique Candelaria Nathalie Galde Nudahunga1 Phil Kolis Rachel Tracy Samantha Ipema Sheri Beth Dusek 2020 8.5 English Harper Philbin United States
Driftless: Directed by Harper Philbin. With Monique Candelaria, Mickey O’Sullivan, Samantha Ipema, Jennifer Jelsema. When a state government shutdown closes parks on 4th of July weekend, the Park Rangers of Driftless State Park, led by Nova Abbey, must protect the park from the people, and the people from each other.
“Unwatchable. I spent years camping with NPS and also as a volunteer with NPS. Badly made film. I believe this was a real School project from some college. But ended up as a 8th grade production.”