Remember Me (2016)
30K Comedy Genre Alan Goldbloom Bailey Kobelin Brian King Corey Jackson Heidi Godt Jeff Kazanjian Jessica Maria Joel Kelley Dauten Jordan Michael Smith Liz Kennedy Meghan Doyle Melissa Locsin Michael Valladares Miranda Kahn Pamela Gaye Walker Phillip Horton Ray Reinhardt Rita Moreno Steve Goldbloom Zach Land-Miller 2016 5.8 English Steve Goldbloom United States
Remember Me: Directed by Steve Goldbloom. With Steve Goldbloom, Zach Land-Miller, Corey Jackson, Joel Kelley Dauten. Two self-involved grandchildren are forced to step up after their beloved grandmother loses her husband of 60 years.
“This film is hilarious, heartfelt, and stars 3 wonderful actors with great chemistry. It is rare to see a film that follows, with genuine respect and nuance, a female character over 50. This film is fun, sweet and refreshing”