Maternal Instinct (TV Movie 2017)
37K Crime Drama Genre Thriller Aaron Pearl Daniel Bacon Denis Corbett Gemma Martini George Erschbamer Graham Croft Karin Konoval Katherine Slingsby Keith Shaw Laura Mennell Laurie Empey Marcus Rosner Michael Ian Farrell Michelle Clarke-Brown Naomi Simpson Nathanael Quigley Nick Duncan Rob Willey Steve Baran Tim Felbel Vanessa Przada Yolanda Corbett 2017 6.2 English George Erschbamer United States
Maternal Instinct: Directed by George Erschbamer. With Laura Mennell, Marcus Rosner, Karin Konoval, Aaron Pearl. A teenage girl who sees her mother shot goes into hiding with a police detective who grows attached to her as she protects her from the killer who is hunting the girl.
“I fully understand you canu0026#39;t make much of a movie for $0.8M but I have seen better $50K movies.nActing performances sucks as does the story line. Itu0026#39;s riddled with flaws that make it unrealistic.nThe only reason I give it the third star, is that I did manage to see it through to the end!”