Joseph – König der Träume (Video 2000)
67K Adventure Animation Biography Genre Ben Affleck Dan Castellaneta David Campbell Eugenia Bostwick-Singer James Eckhouse Jeff Bennett Jess Harnell Jodi Benson Joe Stillman Judith Light Ken Hudson Campbell Mark Hamill Matt Levin Maureen McGovern Piera Coppola Raymond Singer Rene Auberjonois Richard Herd Richard McGonagle Rob LaDuca Robert C. Ramirez Roger Brown Royce D. Applegate Steven Weber Tom Virtue 2000 7.1 English Germany Rob LaDuca
Joseph – König der Träume: Directed by Rob LaDuca, Robert C. Ramirez. With Ben Affleck, Mark Hamill, Richard Herd, Maureen McGovern. A prophet who has the ability to interpret dreams is sold into slavery in Egypt, where people learn of his gifts.
“This might not be as well made as the Prince of Egypt, but it has its own unique qualities that make it an overall good film. The dream sequences feel like a Van Gogh painting, the animation is appealing, and the music never gets too boring.u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eIf this is a fair adaptation of the biblical story or not is something for you to decide. This is a great animated film.”