Dojo yaburi (1964)
67K Action Adventure Genre Akio Kobori Bokuzen Hidari Chieko Baishô Hideki Kato Hideo Oguni Hiroshi Aoyama Isamu Nagato Jun Hamamura Kunichika Nagai Omenosuke Ichikawa Ryôsuke Kagawa Ryôta Minowada Saburô Kumoi Seiichirô Uchikawa Seiji Miyaguchi Shima Iwashita Shinpachi Kura Shôsaburô Aihara Shûgorô Yamamoto Taisuke Minami Tetsurô Komiyama Tetsurô Tanba Yoshirô Aoki 1964 7.6 Japanese Seiichirô Uchikawa United States
Dojo yaburi: Directed by Seiichirô Uchikawa. With Isamu Nagato, Tetsurô Tanba, Shima Iwashita, Chieko Baishô. The adventures of a ronin, a samurai without a feudal lord, trying to achieve safety in a neighbouring domain.
“Highly skilled but humble swordsman tries to live a kind, puposeful life. More detail in the critics review u0026#39;Japan On Filmu0026#39;. I concur with the earlier user reviewer that this deserves more recognition and appreciation. Some familiar supporting actors but the lead is unknown to me as is the director. Undiscovered gem! At this writing, free on YouTube.”