Obey (2018)
48K Drama Genre Aaron-Russell Andrews Andrew Barton Betsy Mobey Bill Bagnall Christine Taetz Daniel Akilimali Dymond Allen Hannah Banks James Atwell Jamie Jones Jasmine Jobson Joshua Blisset Marcus Rutherford Michael Quartey Rosalind Adler Sam Gittins Sophie Kennedy Clark T'Nia Miller Taurean Steele Tezlym Senior-Sakutu Wil Coban 2018 6.9 English Jamie Jones Spain
Obey: Directed by Jamie Jones. With Marcus Rutherford, Sophie Kennedy Clark, Michael Quartey, Sam Gittins. As London slides towards a time of violent social unrest, on the estates of East London, a young man’s life is torn apart by a love for a girl from a different place.
“Obviously this film has good intentions in telling the story that it wants to tell but unfortunately it falls flat with a way to familiar story I have seen told in films way to many times about how rough it is to be young living in an urban ghetto side of town. It was predictable mundane and at times a bit boring.”