Jellyfish (2018)
32K Drama Genre Angus Barnett Connor Mills Cyril Nri Frankie Boyle Helen Kennedy Henry Lile James Gardner Jay Sajjid Jemima Newman Lauran Taylor-Griffin Lee David Brown Liv Hill Mark Sangster Oliver Jones Pete Picton Ria Zmitrowicz Robbie White Simon Lord Sinead Matthews Swainley Whipps Eden-Entwistle Tomos Eames Victoria Alcock 2018 6.1 English James Gardner United Kingdom
Jellyfish: Directed by James Gardner. With Liv Hill, Sinead Matthews, Cyril Nri, Angus Barnett. A young carer discovers an unlikely talent for stand-up comedy.
“Arguably Liv Hill deserved a 10/10 one of the best individual performances Iu0026#39;ve seen in a very longtime especially for a non household name but as good as the rest of the film still was im not sure I could say it was one of the very very best of the year but it wasnu0026#39;t far behind for sure. Highly recommend.”