The Hunted – Der Gejagte (1995)
25K Action Drama Genre Thriller Bart Anderson Christopher Lambert Dean Choe Hiroyasu Takagi J.F. Lawton James Saito Joan Chen John Lone Ken Kensei Mari Natsuki Masumi Okada Michael Warren Michio Itano Naoko Sasaki Sandra Lee Seth Sakai Tak Kubota Tatsuya Irie Toshishiro Obata Warren Takeuchi Yôko Shimada Yoshio Harada 1995 6.1 English J.F. Lawton United States
The Hunted – Der Gejagte: Directed by J.F. Lawton. With Christopher Lambert, John Lone, Joan Chen, Yoshio Harada. An American businessman visiting Nagoya, Japan, meets a woman in a hotel bar. Returning to her room, 3 ninjas kill her and wound him, but he sees the ninja boss’ face. Now, he’s the prime target of a dangerous ninja cult.
“Wow! What a great film. Itu0026#39;s beautiful and interesting and action packed and very entertaining. It is wonderful. A well thought out film. Loved it! Maybe a different actor instead of CL might have lifted it to a higher place? But itu0026#39;s still great!”