The Surge: The Whole Story (2009)
40K Documentary Genre Bruce Van Dusen George Flynn J.B. Burton James Crider James Danly James Dubik James Hickey Jeffrey Bannister John Campbell John Charlton John Kelly Kenneth Adgie Lloyd Austin Michael Garrett Michael Gordon Nasier Abadi Nichoel Brooks Ricky Gibbs Ryan Crocker Sean MacFarland Wayne Grigsby 2009 6 Bruce Van Dusen English United States
The Surge: The Whole Story: Directed by Bruce Van Dusen. With Nasier Abadi, Kenneth Adgie, Lloyd Austin, Jeffrey Bannister. In 2007, the situation in Iraq was desperate and required a new strategy…the Surge. THE SURGE: THE WHOLE STORY is a definitive account from those who were there, including interviews with every senior military officer and official who participated in the Surge