The Marksman (2021)
19K Action Drama Genre Thriller Alex Knight Alfredo Quiroz Ann Barrett Richards Antonio Leyba Chris Charles Christian Hicks Clark Sanchez Danny Kravitz David DeLao Dylan Kenin Elias Gallegos Grayson Berry Harry Maldonado Jacob Perez Jose Vasquez Juan Pablo Raba Katheryn Winnick Liam Neeson Luce Rains Robert Lorenz Sean A. Rosales Teresa Ruiz Yediel Quiles 2021 6 English Robert Lorenz United States
The Marksman: Directed by Robert Lorenz. With Jacob Perez, Harry Maldonado, Teresa Ruiz, Alfredo Quiroz. A rancher on the Arizona border becomes the unlikely defender of a young Mexican boy desperately fleeing the cartel assassins who’ve pursued him into the U.S.
“This film was just ok . It did drag on a bit and could have been shorter . Liam Neeson seems to play the same sort of character in all his action films . The film has its moments but is more drama than action .nThe main villain is very good in his role .nWatchable film but nothing amazing .”