Dead Man Down (2013)
41K Action Crime Drama Genre Aaron Vexler Andrew Stewart-Jones Arris Quinones Christopher Davis Colin Farrell Davis Warner Declan Mulvey Dominic Cooper Emily Connolly F. Murray Abraham Franky G Graham Powell Hannah Ward Isabelle Huppert J.H. Wyman James Biberi Jessica Jean Wilson John Cenatiempo Krystal Tini Luis Da Silva Jr. Michael Stark Myles Humphus Niels Arden Oplev Noomi Rapace Roy James Wilson Ryan Connolly Stephen Hill Stu Bennett Terrence Howard William Zielinski 2013 7.1 English Ryan Connolly United States
Dead Man Down: Directed by Niels Arden Oplev. With Colin Farrell, Noomi Rapace, Terrence Howard, Dominic Cooper. In New York City, a crime lord’s right-hand man is helped by a woman seeking retribution.
“Good acting. Great production values. Crisp logical scene progression, and a surprise ending. What more could you ask for?”