Con Men (2015)
47K Crime Drama Genre Mystery Amir Tabrizi Andrew McIntosh Andy Hillhouse Benny Safdie Euan Galbraith Ian Kendall Jane Stenson Josh Safdie Liesl Brown Lisa Hague Mark Hobkirk Martin Kelly Michael Chaiken Michael Cooke Michel Gaeta Paul Carruth Paul Comrie Paul Gilmour R. Paul Wilson Ray Crofter Ross Maxwell Sarah-Beth Brown Steven McEnhill Tom Moriarty 2015 6.2 English R. Paul Wilson United States
Con Men: Directed by R. Paul Wilson. With Liesl Brown, Sarah-Beth Brown, Paul Carruth, Paul Comrie. Two con artists go after the wrong score and pay the price for getting caught.
“The film holds audience interest throughout but the depth of the movie is only foreshadowed, not substantiated, until the end. By the end It comes off as smart and original. As a native speaker of American English, I was not able to catch all of the dialogue. Iu0026#39;m sure I missed some details, but not enough to detract from my enjoyment or overall understanding.”