A Christmas Hero (2020)
24K Drama Family Fantasy Genre Bob Nevins Cat Grey Craig Mohney Derek Duzan Gerald Floch Greg Ward Jack Wurtzel Jacqueline James Jordan Teachout Kayla Kelly Lauren Rys Martin Liam Wurtzel Michael Welch Patrick Floch Patti Wittenberg Peter Carey Peter Gray Phil Wurtzel Troy Thrash 2020 6.3 English Phil Wurtzel United Kingdom
A Christmas Hero: Directed by Phil Wurtzel. With Michael Welch, Peter Carey, Derek Duzan, Gerald Floch. When a young disillusioned war vet, home from Afghanistan, sees nothing good in his life during Christmas a visit by his guardian angel shows him that his life really did make a difference.
“Started interestingly, and I could believe Welch as the repressed guy at the start, but I couldnu0026#39;t buy into his rages (I kept imagining the director offstage saying u0026quot;Emote, darling, emote!). It was good as an advert for the air museum (which I googled while the movie was on), and if Iu0026#39;m ever back in Michigan (near Kalamazoo) Iu0026#39;ll visit.”