Tapestry (2019)
17K Drama Family Genre Al Whiting Anthony Aquilino Anthony Laciura Burt Young Emilie Paap Emilio Vitolo Faron Salisbury Genoveva Rossi Joseph D'Onofrio Josie Gallina Judy San Roman Ken Kushner Marissa Chykirda Michael Wren Gucciardo Nicole Emmons Penny Balfour Richard Ryker Rob DePalo Sarah Alvarez Stephen Baldwin Tina Louise 2019 7 English Ken Kushner United States
Tapestry: Directed by Ken Kushner. With Tina Louise, Stephen Baldwin, Burt Young, Joseph D’Onofrio. Tapestry is the story of a man (Stephen Baldwin) in the midst of a heavy personal and spiritual crisis. Aided by his Father (Burt Young), and his family, he embarks on a personal journey that will forever change him.
“I loved this movie!! It literally brought tears to my eyes!! The movie was very heartfelt u0026amp; spiritual!! The acting was convincing u0026amp; the storyline was wonderful!! I would see it again, with my family!! Loved watching some of my actor friends doing their craft, with heart u0026amp; soul!! Would recommend Tapestry, to all my friends u0026amp; family!!”