Skullz (2020)
6K Adventure Family Fantasy Genre Alia Reid Amy Loughton Caroline Otto Deanna Dewey Debbie Tarrier Gary Wronecki Gemma Wilks Genevieve Boxall Gillian Tully Henry Douthwaite Iain Wallace James DeMarco Judy Norman Julia Savill Logan Blandford Matilda Wilks Niamh Blandford Rebecca Womersley Reid Hillwood Richard Womersley Tim Faraday Wendy Reid 2020 6.8 Deanna Dewey English United Kingdom
Skullz: Directed by Deanna Dewey. With Henry Douthwaite, Tim Faraday, Amy Loughton, Gemma Wilks. Find the skull. Break the curse.
“Set in the UK this is a great family film. My two children really enjoyed it and it kept them thoroughly entertained.u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eThey loved the kids in the film but especially liked the comedy aspect between the u0026#39;crooku0026#39; and the u0026#39;dodgy granu0026#39;”