Mosley (2019)
30K Adventure Animation Family Genre Adrian Smith Aidee Walker Caleb Atkins Curt Cloninger Daryl Habraken David Weatherley Dennis Quaid Gabriele Muccino Gerard Butler Irene Wood Jay Simon Jessica Biel John Phillips John Rhys-Davies Kirby Atkins Lara Macgregor Leah Atkins Lucy Lawless Noah Lomax Rhys Darby Robbie Fox Scarlett Sills Stephen Gledhill Temuera Morrison Teuila Blakely Timothy Raby 2019 6.4 English Kirby Atkins New Zealand
Mosley: Directed by Kirby Atkins. With Lucy Lawless, John Rhys-Davies, Rhys Darby, Temuera Morrison. A species of creatures known as “thoriphants” rebel against their life of servitude and embark on a treacherous journey to find the fabled city of Uprights.
“The idea and story of this movie is something simple and magical. It takes us in a magical journey with Mosley and his struggle is real. 2/2 for the story. 1/1 for plot setting. The dialogue, soundtrack, animation of this movie gets 2/4. Personally I found it very entertaining and I will give it 2/2.”