Envelop(e) (Short 2020)
9K Drama Genre Alexsys Campbell Anthony Johnston Cate Allen Charla Bocchicchio Corey Sondrup D.L. Walker Elizabeth Mortensen Emily Ann Roth Janlyn Williams Kristin Malm Leviticus Brown Ron Hausman Sara Kirkham Stephen Harr Thomas McMinn Walter Mecham Warren Helbach 2020 3.6 English United States Walter Mecham
Envelop(e): Directed by Walter Mecham. With Charla Bocchicchio, Cate Allen, Leviticus Brown, Alexsys Campbell. After her parents pass Amy is left the house and finds a family secret that her parents never told her about.
“In the first 5 mins I can tell itu0026#39;s a bad one. The fetish part only why I rate up a bit. Rest are just bad.”