Walk by Faith (2014)
64K Drama Genre Alfred Castillo Jr. Alicia McClung-Hetz Amy Nguyen Chris Chappell Crystal Gix Deontae Cook Dominyck McCargo Fabiola Barragan Gregor Haley Jaelynn Blount James Bradley Jantel Hope Joan Montreuil Lamarcus Tinker Norma Jean Lipert Oliver McClean Rochelle Ojeda Roderick Glaze Sean Johnson Shatara Hale Troy Esprit 2014 4.1 English Joan Montreuil United States
Walk by Faith: Directed by Joan Montreuil, Lamarcus Tinker. With Fabiola Barragan, Jaelynn Blount, James Bradley, Alfred Castillo Jr.. When a young man named Corey is faced with living with sickle-cell anemia, he grows tired of just existing. With very little hope left, he yearned for support.
“This was a family friendly film that the whole family will enjoy.”