Billy Boy (2017)
46K Crime Drama Genre Thriller Andre Royo Aramis Knight Blaine Saunders Blake Jenner Brad Hunt Bradley Buecker Brenda Bakke Cole Bernstein Derek Mio Grant Harvey Greg Germann Jack Fisher Jack Foley Jim Beaver Juan Alfonso Marcus Brown Melissa Benoist Melissa Bolona Nick Eversman Sasha Morfaw Sommer Carbuccia 2017 6.6 Bradley Buecker English United States
Billy Boy: Directed by Bradley Buecker. With Melissa Benoist, Jim Beaver, Brenda Bakke, Blake Jenner. When an angry teenager (Blake Jenner) discovers a close friend has been killed, grief jeopardizes his future and he finds himself engulfed in danger.
“I had high hopes for the movie but I was sadly disappointed. I thought it was terrible. It was difficult to follow the story, if the scenes were current or flashbacks, questionable acting on the part of several actors including Jenner. Itu0026#39;s just not a good film. Period.”