I Love You (2019)
30K Drama Genre Amy Argyle Aubrie Wienholt Barbara Baker Benjamin James Brandon Byrd Brian Arnold Cameron Adams Chriss Anglin Cory Arnold Glen Ratcliffe Heather Lashaway J. Love Jillisa Lynn Judy Durning Kathi Cook Katrina CastaƱon Lukas Colombo Nina Josephs Rubi Castaneda Sean Michael Boozer Tommy Nash Victoria Rowell 2019 4.7 English Lukas Colombo United States
I Love You: Directed by Lukas Colombo. With Victoria Rowell, Glen Ratcliffe, J. Love, Amy Argyle. When an ambitious young man takes a big gamble on a sure deal, he gets sucked into L.A.’s party lifestyle, bringing pain and ruin to those closest to him. A retelling of the Biblical parable of the prodigal son.