House Arrest (2012)
30K Comedy Drama Genre Aki Aleong Andre Ezeugwu Andrea Weathersby Ariel Ford Ava Marie Easter Bebe Drake Chico Benymon Cory Blevins Franco Castan Irving Caesar Jennifer Chu Kenny Ford Jr. Lemo Coney Miyae Folkes Nataya A. Dievjuste Olivia Brown Ron Chevalier Roy Fegan Shelli Boone Stacey Dash Tymeka L. Coney William Washington 2012 5.5 English United States William Washington
House Arrest: Directed by William Washington. With Aki Aleong, Chico Benymon, Cory Blevins, Shelli Boone. Chanel is living the high life until one day while out shopping with her boyfriend, DeAndre they are arrested.
“This is a B movie. The direction, sound, editing, writing, and a few of the supporting players leave something to be desired but House Arrest has a whole lot of heart. StaceynDash is charming and sincere as Chanel. I found myself rooting for her to get her happy ending!”