Coming Up Roses (2011)
42K Drama Genre Abbie Eaton Adam Henry Garcia Amelia Campbell Andrew Parker Greenwood Ann Dowd Ari Butler Bernadette Peters Christina Lazaridi Christopher Durham David Cale Erik Jonsun James May Jamie Hurley Jayce Bartok Jeremy Clarkson Kendahl Ferguson Lisa Albright Michael Anzalone Michael Haayen Mike Catapano Peter Friedman Rachel Brosnahan Reyna de Courcy Richard Hammond Sadie Feighan Shannon Esper 2011 5.5 English Lisa Albright United Kingdom
Coming Up Roses: Directed by Lisa Albright. With Bernadette Peters, Rachel Brosnahan, Peter Friedman, Reyna de Courcy. A drama centered on a former actress who subjects her 15-year-old daughter to a series of depressed small towns, money woes, failed love affairs, and bouts of depression.
“Sorry to say but it was not even nearly as good as the original grand tour or even the specialsnit was not bad totally.”