The Annunciation (2018)
35K Drama Genre Alisa Vilena Benton Jennings Bic Nguyen Christian Menendez Darrin Charles Dean DeVito Fernando Rivera Jack O'Connor Jeremy John Wells Kellie Cundiff Kenny Pollone Michael Monasterio Nathaniel Westover Phil Bennett Sabastian Neudeck Sam Johnson Sophia Rose Nikolov Taylor Mock Torrey B. Lawrence WonChan Sohn Zachary Chicos 2018 6.7 English United States WonChan Sohn
The Annunciation: Directed by WonChan Sohn. With Alisa Vilena, Torrey B. Lawrence, Jack O’Connor, Benton Jennings. A frustrated angel Gabriel, a disagreeing college student Mary, and a dumbfounded boyfriend Joseph have to figure out a very troubling mission to bear a child who will put their lives upside down.