Underneath the Same Moon (2019)
44K Comedy Drama Genre Romance Anderson Davis Bob Wasson Carla Short Douglas William Smith Ebony Lanet Hap Lawrence Jose Garza Justin Guyot Lucas Kerr Luciana Vara Meg Cashel Mike Wayne Phil Holmer Sara Ball Stephen Quadros Todd Hererra Tom Arndt Valor Chase Wasson Woody the Creator 2019 5.4 Bob Wasson English United States
Underneath the Same Moon: Directed by Bob Wasson. With Sara Ball, Meg Cashel, Anderson Davis, Jose Garza. A happily married man awakens from a coma losing the last five years of his life. His last recollection is buying a wedding ring…for his ex girlfriend. Will his heart remember what his brain forgot.
“If you can ride out the first 30 minutes, itu0026#39;ll get better.nWonu0026#39;t win any Oscars, but the actors show promise.”