God Where Are You? (2014)
43K Drama Genre Allison Crawford Angela Doggett-Brown Ben VanderMey Brooks Braswell David Raizor De Miller Dot Monahan Elizabeth Corbett Gerald Doggett JaeNedy Roman Jeff Wise Jeremy Kaminsky John Denny Karyn Grace Kibwe Dorsey Michael Santi Phyllis J. Chapman Sebastian Gunderson Steve Austin Sue Miller Tanya Christiansen Tracy Goode Victor Jones Wade Hunt Williams 2014 5.9 De Miller English United States
God Where Are You?: Directed by De Miller. With Wade Hunt Williams, Kibwe Dorsey, David Raizor, Michael Santi. Sonny Boone was a fighter who had everything, then lost it. He blamed God for all of his troubles and asked WHY bad things happened to him? His ultimate question: God Where Are You?
“No special effects, no glitter, just God. This depiction illustrates the good obtained from God for all who come to trust Him, and His work in saving grace.”